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In this issue
Vast urbanizations in developed, developing and under-development countries have one common denominator: an immediate need for quality housing. Housing the billions: never before were those involved in architecture and construction confronted with such a challenge. A one-fits-all solution seems unthinkable since most mass housing schemes in the past failed and originated in dictatorship or total absence of power. Based on an analysis of one of the housing experiments of the past, the Soviet Microrayon, Volume proposes a new prototype. A housing block, which is custom-made but mass-produced and conceived via open source standards.

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で、序文。エージェン・オースターマンArjen Oostermanによる「Blockbuster(Editorial)」という文章。このタイトルがいきなり厄介で、辞書を引くと「大ヒット商品」「高性能大型爆弾」「悪徳不動産」とかいろいろある。どれもそれなりの想像をかき立てるので、そのままブロックバスターと訳すべきかなとも思うが、「ブロックバスター」で通じるとは思えないのでジレンマ。一街区(BLOCK)単位でバスト(吹っ飛ばす)するっていうところがポイントなのかもしれない。とりあえず「ブロックバスター」で保留。

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A few years ago when the figures on Chinese urbanization first made it to the West little by little the general reaction was one of silent amazement. 20x20 sounded like a cultural program, but this code evidently stood for providing housing to the equivalent of perhaps twenty entire countries: cities for 400 million people are to be built in just twenty years. That is more than the entire population of the USA.

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This news brutally confronts one with the fact that since Constantinos Doxiadis urban development thinking in the West has restricted itself to districts and neighborhoods; even the scale of city or region is hardly addressed anymore. In the Netherlands it was considered audacious to plan for a new city of 200,000 people and this has been virtually the same in other Western countries.

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Today, in the most prosperous parts of the world a declining population is seen as a more serious problem than population growth. Yet world-wide there will be housing needed for some three billion people in the coming forty years. And we have not discussed the rehousing needs of still another billion people who now live in absolutely inadequate conditions.

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So, what happened? Didn’t we do mass and public housing? What was that like again?

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コンスタンティノス・ドクシアディスConstantinos Doxiadisはギリシアの都市計画家。Wikipediaにもでているのでそちらを参照のこと。「世界の都市計画に影響を与えた」彼の理論が地区や近隣レベルの狭い広がりを前提とし発展してきたから、それ以上の規模での都市計画的取り組みがなかなかみられない。でも一方で中国の例(「文化的プログラムのようにも思われた「20×20」」ってなんだろうか?)のような途方もない規模の人口が直面する居住問題が世界にはある。大量公共住宅供給の問題意識ってなんだったんだろう?という素朴な提起。